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Official promotion flash Mirror 1

イオシスのPVの中に、以下のようなセリフがあります。そのセリフは『ルパン三世 カリオストロの城』から来ています。

アリス「 ...?」


Marisa Stole Something Very Important /
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing

アレンジ: ARM  ボーカル: 藤咲かりん(miko) 作詞: ARM with "loving" 夕野ヨシミ

わらにんぎょうにごっすん ごっすん ごすんくぎ

Pounding into straw effigies
Pounding into straw effigies
Pounding into straw effigies five-inch, five-inch, five-inch nails!
( * gossun is also the sound of pounding something into something)

壱弐参 壱弐参 one two three one two three いち にぃ さん
壱弐参 壱弐参 one two three one two three いち にぃ さん
壱弐参 壱弐参 one two three one two three いち にぃ さん
eins zwei Guten Morgen
壱弐 壱弐 いちいちいちいち

One two three one two three one two three one two three one two three~
One two three one two three one two three one two three one two three~
One two three one two three one two three one two three one two three~
One, two, good morning
One, two, one, two, one one one one

ひふみ ひふみ ひふみ ひふみ ひひふ
ひふみ ひふみ ひふみ ひふみ ひひふ
ひふみ ひふみ ひふみ ひふみ ひひふ

One two three one two three one two three one two three one one two
One two three one two three one two three one two three one one two
One two three one two three one two three one two three one one two
111111111111111111111111 1234 1234

Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to down to
Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to (感じないわ)
Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to
Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to (痛くないわ)
( * "dawn to" also puns a stomping sound effect or a heavy pain "dontsuu")

Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to
Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to (I can't feel it)
Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to
Dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to dawn to (It doesn't hurt)

UGG- UGG- UGG- UGG- くぎ- くぎ- くぎ- くぎ-
上海 上海 上海 上海
蓬莱 蓬莱 蓬莱 蓬莱
仏蘭西 阿蘭陀 西蔵 京都 倫敦 露西亜 奥尔良!
(フランス オランダ チベット 京都 ロンドン ロシア オルレアン)

Check it gee check it gee check it gee check it gee
Ugigi- ugigi- ugigi- ugigi- kugigi- kugigi- kugigi- kugigi-
Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai
Hourai Hourai Hourai Hourai
France Hollands Tibet Kyoto London Russia Orleans!

嫌いキライ loving
誰がダレガ can't be alive without you
どうしてなぜかしら why (why why why) don't I miss you a lot, forever?

Hating, hating, loving
Who are you? Who are you? I can't be alive without you
Why is it, I wonder; why (why why why) don't I miss you a lot, forever?

知らないわ そんな魔法

I don't know how to work your magic
If I told you how I felt, I'd break
I'm different from you,
So don't go around stealing other people's hearts that easily

近いミライ turning
遠い想い can't be alive without you
どうしてなぜかしら why (why why why) don't I believe you more, forever?

A close-up future of turning
My distant feelings, I can't be alive without you
Why is it, I wonder; why (why why why) don't I believe you more, forever?

知ってるわ そんな秘密

I know about that secret of yours;
It's always screaming out in the bottom of my heart
I'm not the same as you,
So don't go around stealing other people's hearts so easily


  • ニコニコ動画で知らない人はほとんどいないと言って差し支えないほどの人気の曲で、数々の動画のBGMや編曲の一部として使われています。中でも、組曲『ニコニコ動画』の一部として使われているのは、非常に有名な話です。
    • ニコニコ動画ユーザーの中には、曲のタイトルが「魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました」となっているので、アリスを魔理沙として勘違いするユーザーが続出。
  • Dowango.jpで着メロ配信中。
  • JOYSOUNDでカラオケ配信中。
  • この作品から、東方Projectを知った人も多いという。
    • また、この作品は知っていても、東方Projectとは何かを知らないという一般ユーザーも多いらしい。
  • かなり電波な曲。MADなどに流用しやすく、海外でもなかなかの評価を受けている。

